We are pleased to confirm the availability of Fisnar’s new series of Tip Alignment Modules. As a robotic accessory, Fisnar Tip Alignment Modules aid in the smooth operation of a robot and simplify the operator’s process.
The Fisnar TA Series has been specially designed for dispensing applications requiring tip changes that could potentially alter the fluid dispense position. With a Fisnar TA module installed, all the operator needs to do is run the tip alignment function and the robot will automatically detect if the tip is in a different position, before altering itself to suit.
The tip alignment function can also be used to fix issues the operator may experience when a barrel or cartridge is changed, or even if the tip has skewed. Finally, as a ‘plug and play’ accessory, the Fisnar TA module is easy to install and can even be controlled by staff who have no experience in robotics programming.
There are currently three tip alignment modules in the Fisnar TA Series, and each one is available to purchase from Ellsworth Adhesives:
TA7000N: F7000 Series – Tip Alignment
TA4000N: F4000 & F5200 Series – Tip Alignment
TA9000N: F9000 & F8000 Series – Tip Alignment
To make an enquiry about the Fisnar TA series, or any other dispensing equipment please email infoeurope@ellsworth.com.